MASSAGE Services

Athletic/Sports Massage

Athletic massage focuses on increasing blood and lymphatic fluid flow, reducing and eliminating pain as well as tender trigger points, and increasing range of motion of the affected area. This type of body work can be broken into 4 distinct types - the pre-event sports massage, the post-event sports massage, the restorative sports massage and the rehabilitative sports massage. As the names indicate, each type of sports massage has a different focus for the athlete as they are delivered at different times during their training and performance schedule.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is designed to relieve severe tension in the muscle and the connective tissue or fascia. This type of massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. Deep tissue massage is often recommended for individuals who experience consistent pain, are involved in heavy physical activity, such as athletes, and patients who have sustained physical injury. Benefits of receiving deep tissue massage include: relief/reduction of muscular and joint pain, relief of muscular tension, increase range of motion, decrease recovery time between intense workouts and certain injuries and relief of stress.

Cold Stone MassAGE

Cold Stone Massage concentrates on specific locations where people seem to carry excess heat in the body; feet, ankles, behind the knees, hands, chest, tops of shoulders, neck, and head. Cold Stone can be beneficial to:

  • Help relieve peri-menopausal and menopausal symptoms
  • Reduce inflammation due to overuse or injury
  • Relieve sinus or headache discomfort due to allergies

Cold Stone massage is relaxing and uplifting/energizing at the same time.

$15 to add this service onto your session.

Hot Stone Massage

Stone massage uses water-heated stones to apply pressure and heat to the body. Stones coated in oil are also used to deliver various massaging strokes. The hot stones used are Basalt Stones made from lava cooled down in oceans and rivers—which over time, have become extremely polished and smooth. As the stones are placed along the recipient's back, they help to retain heat which then deeply penetrates into the muscles, releasing tension.

$15 to add this service onto your session.

Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage* is a safe, gentle, nurturing bodywork which focuses on easing the discomfort felt in the mind, body and spirit through caring touch. Oncology massage may be received during and after medical treatments, during remission, cure or at the end stage of life. According to, Society for Oncology Massage, many studies show that gentle, non-invasive massage can significantly reduce pain, anxiety, depression and nausea. Other possible benefits are: creating a space for acceptance, improving sleep, providing a safe place to let go, improving body image, reconnecting to your body and moisturizing skin.

*Please make sure you let your therapist know of any medications, touch restrictions, surgeries and/or treatments that you are currently doing, have done or will be doing. This is to allow the therapist to create a safe massage session.

Prenatal Massage

During this special time, a woman's body undergoes tremendous hormonal and physical changes to create a safe environment for the developing baby and to prepare the mother-to-be's body for giving birth.

Some of the by-products of these changes can result in a number of common discomforts. Receiving regular prenatal massage throughout the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester can help with reducing or eliminating: headaches, back, neck and shoulder pain, breast tenderness, fatigue, hip/sciatic pain, sore feet, anxiety, depression, emotional tension and insomnia.

Receiving regular prenatal massage can also be felt by the developing baby. A mother-to-be's stress can alter the environment in the womb. Regular prenatal massage can help to manage her stress and increase the overall well-being of her baby.

Rain Drop Technique Massage

Raindrop technique begins with the Vita Flex/Reflexology massage to your feet followed by the application of nine powerful essential oils, on various locations of the body, to help bring it into structural and electrical alignment. It is designed to bring balance to the body with its relaxing and mild application. It will help align the energy centers of the body and release them if blocked, without using hard pressure or trying to force the body to change.

Since the oils have powerful relaxation, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties to them, rain drop technique can be added onto your Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone and athletic massage to increase the overall therapeutic benefit of the session.

It is an additional $15 to add on this service to cover the cost of these therapeutic-grade essential oils.


Reiki is administered by lightly “laying on hands” on different parts of the body while the practitioner transmits healing energy. Reiki is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. 

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a “light and flowy” massage that can help: relax muscles, increase circulation, remove metabolic waste products and help you gain a better awareness of your body. Swedish massage can also help support your mental health by quieting your mind and aiding your body in producing endorphins, the natural feel good hormone. Swedish massage is often recommended as part of a regular program for stress management, anxiety/depression or insomnia.